Contributors * more photos to appear soon

Contributors * more photos to appear soon
Christy Namee Eriksen, kim thompson, Jon Schill

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


i saw myself
saw us both
and three

not knowing i knew
who and what they were

that she was me
and she was her
and she was the third

yesterday i saw myself

the awkward silence of sipping

most days i see us here

on the subway
on the bus
on the streets
in the shops
waiting for the light to change

what could have
what i cant help but at times think:
should have


i see us here

in coffeeshops
unobserved by others
but taken in by me

... yesterday
each day is same
i see us here
never two but three

visible specter speaking
words we can only

lost and found
found and lost
its all the discovering that happens
somewhere inbetween the middles...

in the stolen outside observations

each day
i see us both
hand in hand
crying out her name
begging for ice cream
skipping just ahead

yesterday i saw me
yesterday i saw her
yesterday i saw the third

yesterday i rose up
turned on the podcast
walked outside

and thought of us three still sitting up there
how i share more in common with that stranger me
than with most dear friends...

nervous daughter
chiding mother
and their sentences always broke by
lack of chatter

for five minutes
i was not alone
and though she did not know it
nor was she

kim thompson. thursday 8 july 13.56 seoul, s. korea

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